Business Ecology

Serbian Solar S2022 to build 10 MW farm in Bikovo, Subotica

Serbia is continuing to see alternative energy investment, with Serbian Solar S2022 planning to construct a 10 MW solar farm in Bikovo, Subotica.

The investment was in part revealed through zoning/investment plans, according to, which noted that there will be an “infrastructural complex” next to the “former Azotara facility.”

s can be seen from the detailed regulation plan, the concrete location for the construction is in the settlement of Bikovo, in the western part of the eponymous cadaster municipality, next to the former Azotara facility.

The plant is slated to have maximum installed power 12.87 MWp,  and maximum “active output power” of 9,999 kW.

Solar panel photo by ChristofferRiemer, CC BY 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons.