Business Ecology

Serbia continues to draw alternative energy investment in terms of wind farms, solar parks

Serbia continues to draw alternative energy investment, with Power Construction Corporation of China and Serbia’s AVR Solar Park Istok having agreed to construct a 150 MW solar park in Bela Palanka and the town of Majdanpek having announced that Zemun’s Jasikovo company will build a 70 MW wind farm in the region of Majdanpek and Zagubica.

The Majdanpek-Zagubica farm is planned to cover more than 1,100 hectares on land belonging to Zagubica and Majdanpek. According to Jasikovo, 16 wind generators will be built, with the majority of these in Majdanpek, as cited by .

The AVR Solar Park-Istok and Power Construction Corporation of China are planning for the 150 MW solar park in Bela Palanka to eventually expand capacity to 500 MW, and construction will begin in 2024. Power Construction Corporation of China boasts more than 160,000 employees and yearly revenues of USD 99 bln.

Wind farm photo by Hahaheditor12667, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons.