Business Economy

Air Serbia sets records for charter flights in 2022

Air Serbia boasted the “best charter season since 2013,” noting that since the beginning of 2022 the Serbian national airline has operated a total of 2,646 charter flights and has transported a total of more than 300,000 passengers, which is also be best result since the company began operating under the name of Air Serbia.

“During the summer season, the demand for direct flights to popular summer destinations is increased, and charter flights enable passengers to quickly and comfortably arrive to their desired destination,” stated Boško Rupić, general manager, Commercial and Strategy, Air Serbia.

“This year we flew to Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Tunisia and Italy,” he added. “The most popular charter destination was Turkey, so in addition to Antalya, Bodrum and Dalaman, for the first time we also flew to Alanya, from Belgrade and Niš. Compared to previous years, Greece also saw an increase in charter traffic:

The company added that during the first nine months of 2022 Air Serbia operated 11.7% more charter flights than during the entirety of 2019.

Also, in 2022 Air Serbia operated charter flights from the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport and the Niš Constantine the Great Airport. During the charter season, the Serbian national airline operated flights from Niš to Alanya, Antalya and Hurghada. 

Photo credit: Adrian Pingstone, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.